7 Actually Useful Travel Apps
Original post: Another World Adventures

There are endless lists of must-have travel apps that are designed to make your trip smoother from start to finish. We always feel a bit mixed about travel Apps generally as a phone-free trip is a true break but the reality that we can’t escape is that they can be, frankly, really useful.
Something we’re always keen to avoid is the head-down travel mentality when people, looking to escape everyday life with a great adventure, find themselves glued to their screens (Ipad, phone, laptop) just as much as if they were at work sharing, planning and documenting their trips.
Hopefully these seven apps will help you along your way but won’t take up valuable time you should be outside, head up, experiencing something amazing yourself.
Before you go
Weather App for Travel – WeatherPro
Let’s face it, we’ve all been on a trip in the peak of dry season armed only with sun screen and shorts to be washed away by ‘freak, early rains’ that ‘never usually come at this time of year’. Yeah, great, I feel really special. Now you can keep an eye on things with this intuitive app that has weather reports for over 2 million geographical locations. It’s extremely accurate so check it before you go so you can pack your umbrella or that extra pair of sunnies accordingly.
Available on iPhone + iPad ($2.99) and Android ($2.99) plus there’s a free version
Spending Money & Currency Rates – XE Currency
We don’t leave the country without making sure our XE Currency app is up to date. It’s the mothership of currency conversion apps and it’s free, easy to use and completely accurate because it uses live currency rates. Don’t just take our word for it. Over 5 million downloads suggest it’s the one to get so you don’t have any nasty surprises when you get your bank statement in and realise that Moroccan rug wasn’t quite as cheap as you thought.
Available on iPhone + iPad (free) and Android (free)
Beating Jetlag – Entrain
Unless you’re planning on taking a slow-mo form of transport like a train, car or sailboat for your trip you’re likely going to board a plane and fly into a different time zone. There are loads of theories for beating dreaded jetlag but this novel app is a very good place to start. Punch in your travel dates and destination and sit back to wait for tips on how to adjust faster to new time zones and schedules. You might like to bundle your efforts up with Jetlag Genie which give tips for adjusting pre-travel sleeping times too.
Available on iPhone + iPad (free) and Android (free)
Apps for when you’re on your trip
Keep Safe App – TravelSafe
Need a number in an emergency? Likely you’ll not have time to spend googling it if you’re caught in the drama so get this app on your phone if you’re an Android user. Travelsafe is an extremely useful database of emergency services numbers around the world. Spend the £0.99 for the pro version (UK only) and you’ll be able to access Embassy details too.
Available on Android (free) and alternative apps for Iphone includes Emergency Phone Numbers.
Not All Those That Wander Are Lost – Maplets
We have a soft spot for map apps having been on the team that created visitor maps of unmapped areas of West Africa so we know full well that Google Maps and CityMapper may be amazing in most circumstances they also have their black holes. Maplets is a mega database of specialised maps – both official and user generated you’ll be tickled by the maps on offer from finding an airport coffee shop to key museum exhibits.
Available on iPhone + iPad ($2.99) and Android ($2.58)
Send real postcards from your phone – Postify
Everyone loves getting a postcard, but sending them can be a drag and how many times have you arrived back home with a pile of unstamped carefully written cards jammed into your bag because you couldn’t find a local post office? Too many. Postify is a fantastic way to send real postcards anywhere in the world using photos from your smart phone. Best still, if you book a trip you’ve found via Another World Adventures we’ll send you credit to send 5 postcards from your trip so you can tell friends and family “Wish You Were Here”.
Available on iPhone + iPad and Android free plus cost of postage credits per send
Be Understood – Google Translate
Of all the many translation apps Google have, unsurprisingly, nailed the best one. It’s a pocket wonder and it’ll more than get you by particularly if you take advantage of the ‘word lens’ tool. This handy little number will translate a word you aim your phone camera at live to your screen. Amazing .. and a bit scary .. but helpful, so helpful.
Available on iPhone + iPad (free) and Android (free)