Another World Adventures

Sail Tahiti and Cape Horn Square-Rigged Tall Ship

Duration: 401 days
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Join the crew to sail the Caribbean and Cape Horn in a square-rigger, visiting 20+ ports and sailing 25,000 nautical miles, on a deep-water voyage where YOU are the crew.

Set to embark in April 2025, a majestic sail training tall ship is preparing for a 25,000 nautical mile journey, on a deep-water voyage to Tahiti and Cape Horn.

The crew, engaged in tasks such as hauling braces, setting, taking, and furling sail, comprises robust seagoing adventurers led by qualified leadership, poised for the challenges of a genuine seafarer’s deep-sea, square-rigged sailing voyage. Along the way, the itinerary promises captivating ports of call steeped in sailing ship history.

No sailing experience is needed for this voyage.  Through a combination of the hands-on practice you’ll get in daily watch standing and educational workshops, you will develop seamanship skills while working together with your shipmates.

Sign aboard a three-masted barque as a trainee crew member on a voyage around the world.

As you sail, you will learn the skills you need such as:

  • to take your turn at the helm
  • take your turn on lookout
  • handle lines and sails
  • assist the cook in the galley
  • and help with ship’s maintenance projects.

Everyone aboard is a working crew member.  Climbing aloft in the rigging is optional, participating in duties on deck is not.

Prospective participants have the opportunity to apply for this epic voyage, as the tall ship accommodates a blend of professional and trainee crew members.

The leadership crew consists of qualified, credentialed mariners trained in some of the world’s renowned square-riggers, possessing significant sea experience and ready to impart their knowledge. Trainee crew members, resembling individuals with a shared spirit of curiosity, adventure, fitness, and aged 18 and above, hail from diverse nationalities and backgrounds.

They share a common desire to embark on a sea adventure, witnessing the world from the unique perspective that only being part of a voyage can offer – and are prepared for the challenges ahead. The diversity of the crew enhances the overall voyage experience.

The itinerary promises fascinating ports of call, some rarely visited by sailing ships in contemporary times.

For those seeking a truly immersive and challenging oceanic experience, this voyage presents a life-changing opportunity.

You can sign aboard for the full year+ voyage or for leg of the voyage. 

See the other listings for details of each of the legs of the voyage.

Planned Ports and Route

Leg 1: Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada to San Cristobal, Galapagos Islands

April 22, 2025 to July 19, 2025

  • Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada
  • Anguilla
  • Bonaire
  • Portobelo, Panama
  • Panama City, Panama
  • San Cristobal, Galapagos Islands

Leg 2: San Cristobal, Galapagos Islands to Tahiti, French Polynesia

July 20, 2025 to October 26, 2025

  • San Cristobal, Galapagos Islands
  • Pitcairn Island
  • Mangareva
  • Marquesas Islands
  • The Tuamotus
  • The Society Islands
  • Tahiti, French Polynesia

Leg 3: Tahiti, French Polynesia to Stanley, Falkland Islands

October 27, 2025 to December 30, 2025

  • Tahiti, French Polynesia
  • Raivavae
  • Cape Horn
  • Stanley, Falkland Islands

Leg 4: Stanley, Falkland Islands to St. George’s, Grenada

December 31, 2025 to April 1, 2026

  • Stanley, Falkland Islands
  • Tristan da Cunha (conditions permitting)
  • St. Helena
  • St. George’s, Grenada

Leg 5: St. George’s, Grenada to New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

April 2, 2026 to May 28, 2026

  • St. George’s, Grenada
  • Bequia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Martinique
  • Dominica
  • Iles des Saintes, Guadeloupe
  • Saint Martin
  • Anguilla
  • Turks and Caicos
  • New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Make an enquiry for full details!

Why you'll love this adventure

  • Expand your skill set, learning all about square rig sailing ships and seamanship
  • Challenge yourself to complete a big goal over an extended period of time
  • Visit remote ports and islands that few others get to see or experience
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Trip Duration
401 Days
Group Size
Up to 52 crew in total, including 12 professional crew and up to 40 trainee crew.
Sailing, Tall Ship
Style of Travel




22 April 2025



19 July 2025



20 July 2025



26 October 2025



27 October 2025



30 December 2025



31 December 2025



1 April 2026



2 April 2026



28 May 2026


Deep-water sailing in a square-rigger is truly an epic experience! For the full details please make an enquiry and we'll send them over.

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What's included

  • Accommodations on board
  • All meals on board
  • Passage from port to port
  • Instruction, both through the daily sailing of the ship and through regular workshops
  • Entry fees/port fees at the various ports of call
  • Sea Service Certificate that documents the time you’ve spent at sea (useful if you plan to pursue certification following the voyage)

Not included

  • Travel to and from the port where you will meet the ship
  • Travel insurance (mandatory, must meet minimum requirements for medical expenses and medical evacuation)
  • Vaccinations that are required or recommended before signing aboard
  • Items on the packing list, including foul weather gear (waterproof jacket, pants and boots) and a rigging knife
  • Any visas you might be required to obtain before signing aboard
  • Spending money for your days off duty ashore

Trip notes


Entire Voyage USD: $48,000 Leg 1: $14,500 Leg 2: $16,000 Leg 3: $11,000 Leg 4: $15,000 Leg 5: $9,500 *subject to confirmation by the ship

Min age



Accommodations are in upper and lower pilot berths in large compartments.  Each crew member has their own berth that will be assigned to them for the duration of the voyage.  Each berth has a curtain that provides some privacy, a reading light, and a storage space that is either built in below the berth or in a separate locker.  Hooks are provided in each compartment for hanging foul weather gear (waterproof jacket and pants).  Sheets and pillows will be provided, you should bring your own sleeping bag or blanket.

There are four heads (marine toilets) aboard and four fresh water showers (two with both hot and cold water, two with cold water only).  You will be careful about conserving both fresh water and electricity while on board.


There is a cook as part of the ship’s professional crew, trainee crew (that’s you) will take turns assisting the cook in the galley.  Three meals are provided daily, all are offered buffet style and usually eaten casually on deck in good weather.  Some dietary restrictions can be accommodated, please ask.

Meals change as the ship is at sea for longer periods – you may start out eating salads and fresh vegetables but after weeks at sea those are no longer available and we need to rely on dry, canned and frozen goods.  The ship has no refrigeration, but does have many deep freezers.

Because the crew work hard, meals are simple and hearty.  The cook is famous for his fried chicken!

Who is this trip for?

Applications are welcome from individuals of all nationalities and genders, ages 18+.  No couples.

Applicants must be in good health, able to be away from normal shore-based medical care for extended periods of time, and able to do moderately strenuous physical activity.  As part of the application process, a note from your doctor confirming all of the above will be required.

This voyage is open to people of all nationalities and genders, ages 18 and up. No sailing experience is required. You will be part of the working crew of the ship, so prepare to roll up your sleeves and dive in cheerfully!

There are times you will be hot, uncomfortable, tired and sore.  There are time you’ll be content, exhilarated, joyful and relaxed.

There is an application process where your suitability will be assessed.  Ideal candidates are positive, flexible, willing to pitch in, and good company for extended periods of time.

Trainees choose to sail with us for a variety of reasons. Maybe you’re looking for a gap year expedition, either after high school or during or after college or university. Maybe you want to do something unique for your big overseas experience. Perhaps you’re looking to develop seamanship skills to help start a career as a seafarer. Maybe you are already working in a maritime career and want to gain deep-water sea time and square rig experience. Or this is the right time to take a break from your job and life ashore to make the voyage in the tradewinds you’ve always dreamed of. Or maybe you’re retired and want to travel and learn and immerse yourself in a South Seas adventure. Whether you’re seeking adventure or a unique way to travel to exotic, iconic places, a foundation from which to launch a maritime career or an authentic square rig sailing experience on a vessel similar to one in the Great Age of Sail, there is a place for you on board. Sailing aboard is truly a life changing opportunity and the dream of a lifetime.

Whatever your reason, we want to be clear that signing aboard as a trainee crew member is a big commitment. On this voyage there will be long stretches where signing off is simply not possible. We encourage anyone who is interested and curious to make an enquiry so we can connect you with the crew office to discuss the voyage and whether it might be a good fit for you.

There is an application process that starts when you make an enquiry on our site and are shared details on how to make an application online. If you complete the application form the crew office will request a note from your doctor that says you’re in good health and can do moderately strenuous physical activity on a remote, oceangoing voyage. They will also request payment of a deposit which will hold your spot.

On previous voyages they have required applicants to come visit the ship in person for an in-person interview. On this voyage, they’ll save you the time and expense of a trip to Lunenburg and arrange an interview with you by online video conference instead. It’s still important for you to see the ship, including what the accommodations are like, how they eat meals, what the bathroom/shower situation is, what you’ll be doing when you stand a watch, and so on, so they’ll recommend some videos for you to watch that give you the full tour.

Additional notes

This ship, its sail training program and its Captain are highly respected in the sail training industry, winning multiple industry awards.  This ship has previously completed seven world circumnavigation voyages, so they know the waters and ports intimately.


What is a typical day like at sea like?

The crew are divided into three watches at sea, each of which is on duty for four hours and off duty for eight hours, around the clock.

While you are on duty, you will take your turn at the wheel, take your turn on forward lookout, handle sails and lines as little or as much as is required by the wind and weather, keep the ship clean and tidy, and work on ship’s maintenance projects, which could include everything from sanding and scraping to painting and tarring, mending sails to taking inventory.

While you are off duty, you will sleep, eat meals, participate in educational workshops if they happen during your off watch time, read books, work on personal projects or watch the world float by.

Trainees take turns being on galley duty, meaning that instead of standing your regular watch you will be assigned to assist the cook.  You will wash dishes, set up for meals, and assist with basic food preparation.

What is a typical day on duty in port like?

When the ship reaches port, the crew will be divided into two or three watches, so you will have one day on duty for one or two days off duty.

When you’re on duty in port, you will do a full day of ship’s maintenance projects, including things like oiling the decks, painting the topsides, or running the ship’s boat to ferry people from ship to shore.

Because the ship is never left unattended, you will stand a night watch of approximately an hour where you will be paired up with an experienced crew member to monitor the ship overnight.

What is a typical day off duty in port like?

Your days off duty in port are what you make them!  You are welcome to go ashore and explore on your own.  The ship does not arrange activities ashore, but before arriving in each port there will be an orientation that includes suggestions for what to do.

There are a few ports, usually the more remote and less populated ports, where there may be some activities planned that you are welcome to join in or not.

The ship visits so many beautiful, amazing places.  You will be encouraged to venture beyond the marina or wharf where the ship’s boat will drop you off.

What should I bring?

A packing list will be provided to all accepted trainees.

What will my shipmates be like?

Your shipmates will come from many different countries, it’s a real international mix.  Most will be under 35 years old, some will be older.  Usually the crew is about half women and half men.  All of them will be adventurous souls who are passionate about this particular voyage.

How much does it cost?

Trainee fees, in US dollars, are as follows:

Full voyage: $48,000 April 22, 2025 to May 28, 2026

Leg 1

Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada to San Cristobal, Galapagos Islands

April 22, 2025 to July 19, 2025

Leg 1: $14,500

  • Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada
  • Anguilla
  • Bonaire
  • Portobelo, Panama
  • Panama City, Panama
  • San Cristobal, Galapagos Islands

Leg 2

San Cristobal, Galapagos Islands to Tahiti, French Polynesia

July 20, 2025 to October 26, 2025

Leg 2: $16,000

  • San Cristobal, Galapagos Islands
  • Pitcairn Island
  • Mangareva
  • Marquesas Islands
  • The Tuamotus
  • The Society Islands
  • Tahiti, French Polynesia

Leg 3

Tahiti, French Polynesia to Stanley, Falkland Islands

October 27, 2025 to December 30, 2025

Leg 3: $11,000

  • Tahiti, French Polynesia
  • Raivavae
  • Cape Horn
  • Stanley, Falkland Islands

Leg 4

Stanley, Falkland Islands to St. George’s, Grenada

December 31, 2025 to April 1, 2026

Leg 4: $15,000

  • Stanley, Falkland Islands
  • Tristan da Cunha (conditions permitting)
  • St. Helena
  • St. George’s, Grenada

Leg 5

St. George’s, Grenada to New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

April 2, 2026 to May 28, 2026

Leg 5: $9,500

  • St. George’s, Grenada
  • Bequia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Martinique
  • Dominica
  • Iles des Saintes, Guadeloupe
  • Saint Martin
  • Anguilla
  • Turks and Caicos
  • New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Tour operator

This three-masted tall ship based in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada is best known for adventurous international long distance sail training voyages. Anyone can become a trainee crew member, no experience required, just a desire to become part of the crew that sails the ship. With the guidance of the professional crew, you'll literally learn the ropes.

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Sail Tahiti and Cape Horn Square-Rigged Tall Ship

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If you have queries and questions about the trip include those in your form and we’ll personally reply to you within 24 hours.

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A most helpful, friendly and knowledgeable travel company!

Very helpful and provided lots of research material and excellent personal perspectives on the tall ship sailing trip I was interested in taking.

— Martin

Excellent thoughtful service.

They were prompt and friendly, and so thorough and helpful in connecting me with my adventure.

— Tina

One of a Kind Service!

From the very beginning of reaching out to AWA, they were super helpful, enthusiastic and informative.

— Matt

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