World Fair Trade Day
Original post: Another World Adventures

Since 2001, members of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) have celebrated World Fair Trade Day during the second week of May. Each year, this inclusive worldwide festival celebrates fair trade’s fight to end or reverse climate change, poverty, national economic crises, and exploitation that impacts the most vulnerable in our global community.
Fair Trade producers are committed to several principles that define fair trade and work to keep an open and transparent dialogue as they raise awareness about the struggles of marginalized workers and planet earth. Fair Trade helps to create opportunities for small producers who otherwise can’t compete with big agricultural companies. It’s also focuses on fair pricing, ending child labour and forced labour, promoting gender equity and positive working conditions. There movement promotes a strong respect for the environment and the development of sustainable practices for cultivating high quality products
It’s absolutely no surprise to us that adventurers are seeking out trips that showcase Fair Trade practices. We’ve noticed not only a growing number of people interested in using their holiday to learn more, but also an increased number of operators incorporating co-ops, plantations, farms, and other Fair Trade experiences in their itineraries.
Fair Trade Adventures
We’ve handpicked some Fair Trade adventures in the Americas that are departing in the second half of 2016. They offer the rare opportunity to visit and understand more about Fair Trade farming practices and products whilst adventuring in some of the world’s most exciting and upcoming destinations.
Fair Trade Adventures in Northern Peru is a 14-day small group cultural exploration of one of the most beautiful countries in South America. You’ll love participating in ceramics and weaving workshops, tasting exquisite fair trade chocolate (after cutting the cocoa pods yourself), and visiting the Madres Cacaoteras Mishquicaco – a community of women working together to make a difference in their community.
Colombia Fair Trade Adventure is 12 days of unique cultural and wildlife experiences in this fantastic and exotic country. There are colonial towns to discover as well as a workshop on traditional home building, a visit to El Roble Hacienda where some of the world’s greatest coffee is produced, and sheep shearing and wool spinning.